1- حصاد الخشب لغرض إنتاج الخشب بعد 5 إلى 8 سنوات
2- خشب بولونيا يمتاز بمقاوة للإعوجاج والتشقق والثنى
3- مقاوم للنار وتاثيرات الماء السلبية على الاثات
4- تنوع إستخدام الخشب فى كثير من الصناعات
إستخدامات ؟
1- فى صناعة أرضيات المنازل والمطابخ
2- فى صناعة المراكب واليخوت لنظرا لعدم تشرب الخشب للماء بسهولة
3- تميزه لمقاومة الناء فيتم صناعة الابوب من خشب بولونيا
4-خشب بولونيا ممتاز فى صناعة ألالات موسيقية
5- يدخل فى صناعة الاثاث والتحف وصناديق الهدايا
5- ونظرا لان خشب مقاوم للنار فيتم استخدامة فى اروبا فى عمل أصابع كسب ويستخدم فى التدفئة حيث يمتاز بطول فترة إحتراق ورائحة ذكية ويستخدم بيدل عن الفحم فى التدفئة بأروبا
مقالة بالغة الانجليزى فيها من المعلومات المفيدة كما هو مدون بلغة العربية أعلى صفحة
مقالة بالغة الانجليزى فيها من المعلومات المفيدة كما هو مدون بلغة العربية أعلى صفحة
Paulownia wood uses
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شكل خشب بولونيا |
The low weight is the main advantage of the Paulownia timber. The density vary between the different species and local conditions, but all of them formed extremely light timber. The correlation strength-weight (main quality coefficient) in comparison with other timber specie is high, which makes the Paulownia suitable for some applications that require soft but relatively strong wood.
The timber of P. elongata and P. fortunei is twice the light of oak and lighter than coniferous species timber. Coefficient of deformation is lower than the most commonly used timber. The paulownia timber does not warp, crack or deform during drying and objects made from paulownia retain their original form. Moisture penetrate neglectfully slight in comparison to other popular timber. When the environment humidity is 90% the moisture content of the wood is 30%. Such characteristic gave paulownia timber benefits for wood processing and saves resources for drying.
The necessary time to be dried in kilns is between 24 to 48 hours and outdoors – 20 to 40 days. Paulownia retains little moisture (up to 10-12%). The timber is water-resistant, it is exceptionally stable, withstands warping, breakages and deformations. The timber is with fine structure and silky smooth surface, without blemishes (knots).Paulownia timber is characterized with good insulation, very good acoustics, good sound conductivity, rot resistance and easy processing. All these qualities as well as the strength, smooth surface lack of defects make it one of the most valuable on world timber markets.
It is also used for veneers, furniture, toys, packing and others.
The high ratio of strength/weight makes the Paulownia timber irreplaceable in shipbuilding, aviation, for surfboards, caravans etc. The timber easily allows all types of treatment. The strength, smoothness and the lack of blemishes make this timber the preferred choice for furniture linings, veneers etc. The timber is with amazing resonance which makes it highly valued and sought for musical instruments. It is light in color and it stains well with all varieties of colors. The Paulownia timber can be air-dried fast (without kilns).
The tree Paulownia is an eco-friendly plant with products that possess antibacterial properties.
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