
الثلاثاء، 1 ديسمبر 2015

قصة تاريخ بولونيا فى العالم ومنشاءها وكيف أنتشرت ؟


The use of Paulownia in Japan dates back to 200 AD. Traditionally, when Japanese couples have a daughter, they plant a Paulownia tree. When the daughter is ready to marry, they cut down the tree and make a dowry chest, furniture and other items out of it for wedding gifts. Ancient Lore has it that if they planted a Paulownia tree near their house, the legendary Phoenix would come across their land and bring prosperity and wisdomto them.

In China, the Paulownia has been grown for centuries and its timber was used for furniture, construction components, toys, musical instruments, boxes, packing, etc.

In the USA the Paulownia species was introduced in the middle of the XIX th century. At the time, the Paulownia seeds were used for the packing of china vessels when transported across the Pacific. The seeding spread from the torn packages across the United States.

In the 70-ies of the XX century, Japan was not able to sustain the growing domestic demand for the Paulownia timber and imported timber from the USA, where the Paulownia was already widespread. Even today, Japan is one of the big importers of Paulownia timber.

The fast growing species of Paulownia were selected for the production of light and strong timber. These tree species today are produced from tissue cultures and grown in well maintained plantations. Such specialized plantations are opened often in the Orient. In China only, there are more than 1.2 billion Paulownia trees growing. Fast developing programs for planting and growing Paulownia are performed in Australia, New Zealand, Central, South and North America.

In the 90-ties, in the southern and southeastern states many plantations for Paulownia were established. Presently, they are the sources for the fast supply of high quality timber.
تاريخ شجره بولونيا
بدا فى اليابان سنة 200 ميلادى وانتشر لصين وكان من عادات وتقاليد ان عند زواج يتم استخدام شجره البولونيا المنزرعة فى تاسيس المنزل واثاث لة ومع استمرار الزمن انقرض الشجره من اليابان نظرا لى الاستهلاك الشديد عليها وتم انتشار الشجره على مستوى العالم والان اصبحت اليابان من اكثر دول العالم فى استيراد خشب بولونيا لما لة من استخدامات كثيره .
وكذلك وصلت الشجره فى مطلع القرن ال19 الى امريكا .
ومن اكبر دول العالم فى عدد اشجار البولونيا فى الصين حيث مزروع بها فقط مليار و200 مليون شجرة
وتزايد مستمر بنيوزلنده واستراليا ووسط وشمال امريكا كذلك اروبا .
وهذه المقالة فيها مافيها من معلومات القيمة على تاريخ البولونيا

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